Scoring Algorithm
Unfortunately, we can't display every part of the power grid on one light, but we can “summarise” that information into one metric. That summarisation process is called a Scoring Algorithm. That metric is configurable, and there are lots of options. Here's my favourite two:
Cumulative CO2e Emissions
This is the default metric used for your Micro-Indicator
The total CO2e being released by New Zealand's grid at this moment, in Tonnes/hour. Heavily influenced by the current power output of the grid, making it cycle on a daily basis. It shows how "strained" the power-grid currently is.
CO2e Intensity
The amount of extra CO2e emitted by the grid if you turned on an appliance, in gCO2e/kwh. Heavily influenced by sources of power and the operational status of power-plants, meaning it has much longer cycles than the Cumulative Output.
Changing the Scoring Algorithm